
Macadish is derived from macadamia nuts.

I am Jon, a food enthusiast based in Boston and Singapore. I want to know everything there is to know about food, from the preparation, the history, the aesthetics, the texture, and most important of all, the taste. Having spent almost one-third of my adult life traveling outside of Singapore, I have had numerous exciting food adventure, be it trying all the cheap dumplings in the Chinatown of NYC in a single afternoon, writing a postcard to secure a reservation for a restaurant in Maine, eating wood-fired Neapolitan pizza made in a van, queuing for hours in the middle of winter for a fiery taco al pastor from a food truck, tasting steak that has been dry-aged for so long that it might as well be cheese, or eating simple home-cooked meals using the freshest of produce that are harvested right from the backyard. Having spent so much time and effort searching for unique culinary experiences all over the world, I find it upsetting that I sometimes struggle to remember even the simplest thing – what did I eat here and why do I like it?

It is therefore my goal to preserve these precious food memories using a medium I am most comfortable with – photographs. Macadish is a visual diary of my food encounters that include homecooked meals, recipe development, and dining out. Special mention to pizza because of all the food that I have made, pizza is the one dish that I will never be bored with.

As an added bonus, if these photos can help you love food more than you already do, I consider it a success.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira