Pizza with Fresh Mozzarella

When using fresh mozzarella as a topping on a home oven pizza, add it a few minutes into the bake if you want the pizza to resemble a neapolitan. Otherwise, the cheese will melt and bubble too much and you end up with an NY-style Margherita instead. Just use low moisture mozz if you want the latter.

Since pepperoni needs all the heat it can get, unlike traditional pizza where it is added last, I added it first. Notice how the mozz is layered on top instead of the bottom? Now, for a more traditional look, an #oonisingapore #oonikoda will help.

In case anyone is wondering, this dough is rolled out instead of hand stretched so the cornicione is thinner.

#pizzaeducation #homemadepizza #pizzahack #bakingsteel #neapolitan

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