Wong Kee Wanton Noodles

Rating: 4 out of 5.

There are three kinds of wanton noodle 1) Hong Kong style 2) Dark soy sauce style 3) Umami style (Think Kok Kee wanton mee)

Wong Kee’s wanton noodles is similar to the HK style in that the noodles is ladled with a light soy-based thick gravy. The noodle has an amazing al-dente texture and it definitely the best part of the dish. The gravy is not that flavorful and could definitely use more savory notes from the sambal chili served on the side. The soup dumpling/wanton is packed full of pork and shrimp and seasoned really well. Definitely a substantial wanton that can rival any HK-style wantons.

One of my favorite wanton noodles (for the noodle texture)

Theme: Overlay by Kaira